Schoology: Blessing or Curse?

Schoology: Blessing or Curse?

Rocklin High School is constantly changing.  No two years are completely alike.  However, a new technological device adopted this 2013-2014 school year will completely alter the educational system here at Rocklin.  Both students and staff will face the arduous, but exciting task of familiarizing themselves with a brand new online communication system called Schoology.

Mr. Ryan O’Donnell, an AP World History teacher, has been a leader throughout the process of installing Schoology for everyday use at RHS.  “The intended purpose of Schoology is to develop one standard platform where students and teachers can interact in online learning,” he explained.

However, not everyone is as technologically savvy as O’Donnell.  Caity Dozier, a junior here at RHS, prefers the old system.  “Schoology is more difficult to use then it needs to be,” she shared.

O’Donnell, as well as the others working to develop Schoology, are aware of such student concerns.  “We know that there’s not enough staff and student training.  Just be patient and help each other out,” he advised.

Other students, such as sophomore Delaney Hinton, are excited about the new communication system.  “I like it much better than what we had before.  It’s similar to social networking, which makes it easier to use.”

Despite her doubts about the new system, Caity too appreciates the similarity between Schoology and social media sites that makes it slightly easier to use.  “It’s good that Schoology works like Facebook and gives notifications.  I like that everything is in one place.”

Teachers as well as students are still adjusting to the change.  Mr. Paul Werner, a chemistry instructor, is still figuring out the mechanisms of Schoology.  “I use it to post documents, links to videos, and quizzes.  So far the one problem I’ve had is that Moodle is more powerful.”

Like all new technology, Schoology has its pros and cons and will require a period of trial and error.  However, it is evident that Schoology will eventually enhance communication means between students and teachers and aid the learning process.  In the meantime, we will just have to be patient.