Kiss Me Quick: Flashy Beat Overlooks Mediocre Lyrics

Kiss Me Quick: Flashy Beat Overlooks Mediocre Lyrics

Justin Angellar

At 22 years old, the dynamic career of Nathan Sykes has been exciting and filled with adventure. He made his debut with the English dance pop band The Wanted featuring hit songs such as “Lightning” and “Warzone.” However, the band decided to split up in 2015 to pursue personal careers, leaving Sykes on his own to complete his personal projects.

A young singing prodigy, Sykes was already singing his way to the top of competitions at age six . Singing was always Nathan’s forte, and it was clear as an adolescent that he would try his luck pursuing a life of music. At age 20 he had the opportunity to join The Wanted.

“Kiss Me Quick” is his latest attempt to reclaim his previous fame. The dance-pop single reached number 1 on the Dance Club Songs charts.

The single is very unique and unexpected from Sykes considering his background. A jazzy and flash centric approach to a club song, Kiss Me Quick is refreshing and feels exciting. Each note Sykes sings sounds extremely smooth over the high powered jazz.

That is the best word for the single: smooth. Each word and transition comes out without a seam, flowing together beautifully. It is clear a lot of work went into the production of this song, no awkward moments or pauses, just pure fast paced polish from beginning to end.

The song succeeds in its intention as a quick dance song meant for clubs and events. A fast and rhythmic beat whispers in the background as the notes of jazz barrel through and Sykes voice does little to control the beautiful and electrifying music behind it.

The song tells a story of Sykes seeing a girl at a club and his initial reaction to court her. It isn’t a very new or interesting story, but storytelling isn’t the song’s focus. With strong vocals and production, the lyrics quickly become an afterthought.

Sykes created a bumping dance tune that is perfectly produced and created. What it lacks in story or lyrics it makes up for in pure excitement and energetic music. With the jazzy hot production and smooth vocals, it’s impossible to imagine Nathan Sykes performing this dressed in anything but a suit and tie.