Winter Choral Concert Review

Singing Our Way Out of the Semester


Elizabeth Stout

Rocklin Highs’ choir department impressed us by their vocals at this years Winter Choral Concert.

The concert began with the men’s choir singing “Betelehemu.” Throughout the entire song, there were no instruments, just acapella . Personally, to me it sounded like something you would hear at a Hawaiian luau. Although the song choices were subpar, I admired the harmonization and layering of the different voices.

Most of the songs performed were tunes I’ve never heard or recognized, so it took away from the show for me. However, despite the fact that I couldn’t connect with any of the pieces, it allowed me to better appreciate the different vocal ranges and talent the students and choir director, Mr. Shawn Spiess, have.

“The show was really really fun, and from practicing our songs in class and Spiess helping us nail our part, we made a good show for everyone who came,” sophomore Dalen Dahl, a member of the men’s choir, said.

Practices took place every class period, and there was one dress rehearsal to prepare. There were three shows total in each concert, each one lasting about two hours.

Overall, it was  impressive, the variations of voices that were showcased in the concert, but I wasn’t a fan of the song selection, unlike the mix of the women’s ensemble and the men’s choir. The high and deep vocals were amazing to listen to, and the student’s’ dedication to the program was evident.