Flags For the Fallen

Students put up 2,977 flags to honor those that died on 9/11

Nikki Bhatia

On Sunday, September 10th, most students were relaxing at home, enjoying their last day of the weekend. There were a select few, however, who spent this time honoring those lost in the terrible terrorist attack of September 11th, 2001.

Hannah Klang, junior, is the founder of the YAF club, or the Young Americans Foundation. She came up with the idea to place 2,977 flags in the center of our school amphitheater to honor everyone that died on 9/11 with the rest of her club members.

“I think this was an overall good experience because it honored the people that died on this tragic day, and I think it shocked people because it showed how many people died . I think this day should always be honored and never forgotten,” Hannah said.

Avery Streater, junior, is another student that participated in setting up the amphitheater with the flags.

“I really enjoyed putting the flags up because we were representing each and every life lost on 9/11 by each flag we put in the ground,” Avery added.

Students and teachers appreciated how YAF treated the occasion.

“I think it’s really great how Hannah and the club put up these flags. The victims of 9/11 deserve to be honored,” said Leila Fusenig, junior.

September 11th was a horrific attack on the United States and it is important that we honor and remember every person lost that day.