I moved from India…two months ago. So 14. I’m actually used to moving because my parents move a lot, so it’s not that different. I used to live in Canada, and then I moved back to India, and then I moved back to Canada, and then I moved to the US. My dad just got transferred. But seeing the places was really nice. There’s a lot of different people … You just need to get used to the place. It’s really cold in places I used to live in [especially] Canada. So I would say get warm stuff to wear, but the people are really nice over there. It’s more open to other cultures than the US. The US has less stuff for people who are not American.
I don’t really play tennis right now … [but] I want to start playing again. I used to play when I was small, but then I moved and I stopped playing. [When] you’re playing as a team, it makes you connect and make more friends, and it creates a stronger bond when you’re playing, you understand the other person more. It’s been a really long time since I played tennis, so I don’t know if I still remember how to play. [But I do] want to start playing again.
I think I just picked up a book and I read it, and the books are so nice. I was six or seven [when I really started reading a bunch]. I mostly like fantasies. The books that my English teacher also recommends, they’re not bad, they just look boring.
Write what you feel is right, and then edit it later. It’s fun to write, but then when you don’t get the grade you want, it’s not that fun.
I actually did publish an article in a magazine once I think that’s why I picked journalism to pursue that. I’m really excited about the writing and the photography. But talking to people is my weakness, because I don’t talk to people.