Social Media vs. Friendship
What posting your opinion might cost you.
It’s always awkward when fights happen between friends and families, especially when the disagreement is sparked in social media comments for everyone to see.
Posting political opinions online can be a very risky business if your friend or family member disagrees with what you have to say. They might fire back in the comments, which could lead to an ongoing argument only consisting of typing angrily into your phone then hoping you got your point across.
Other people could be brought into the argument as wel,l and even if they had nothing to do with it, they are used as a pawn in winning an argument that will never be solved. So why do people constantly broadcast opinions if they know it will cause a fight?
There are multiple answers to this question, one being to influence their friends, hoping to change their political view.
But people should know that a Republican is not going to see the other side the minute they read an embarrassing meme about Trump; all parties have their reasons and beliefs, they are not going to change that easily.
It would be like taking a cat person and telling them dogs were better because they were friendlier. They would just tell you how that might not be their experience. It takes time and actually being social (like with your mouth and words) to contribute changing someone’s view of life.
To every argument made, there will always be a counter attack, so why can’t we just agree to disagree? Which leads to the next reason people do this: drama.
When life gets boring, some people watch drama on Netflix, while others create their own. Neither seems to be the right thing to do, but creating your own drama might just get your adrenaline running.
While getting in a fight with your cousin online might be thrilling at the time, it will be a lot worse when your at a family gathering trying to avoid eye contact.
If you want to get a friend of yours to see what you see, actually talk to them, or just accept the fact that they can believe whatever they want to believe.