It’s Game Time Ladies
Pre season is over and now the big competitions begins
Pre season is finally over and the real JV game time begins. Although they had a rough start in the preseason games, as time went on they all understood each others playing style and communication. With a new team, it can take time to finally get comfortable.
Their first game was against Folsom here at home. It was a 1-0 win, with a goal by their newest team mate, Kristina Mas.
The new season will be an amazing experience for the team. The bond between the players and the two coaches, Coach Michael Quezada and Assistant Coach Sublit, strengthens as they spend time together at practices and games.
The players are extremely excited for the games and practice sessions in the future. The improvement since the beginning of pre season to now, is truly amazing.
Girls that were shy and afraid to foul, are now aggressive players on the field.
“First place in league is our goal. We have the talent across the board on this team to accomplish it. I look forward to see what we accomplish “, says Quezada.
The team has formed new friendships through the process and rekindled old ones, throughout the season.
Rylie Reese says, “I love everyone on this team. Practices are so fun and we all know how each other plays “
This season is proving to be a good one for the JV girls soccer team. With the players working hard to get better everyday day, it will be exciting to see how far they have come by the end of the season.
Every time they step on the field, they know that loss or win, they do it as a team.
Today is the JV girls last game of the season. They will be playing Whitney at Whitney at 5 pm. Come out and support!