First and Last Time in the Spotlight

Seniors take advantage of their last year at RHS.

Audrey Mayer

By senior year, most students are ready to leave behind high school and move forward into the future. However, Faith Hardy and Davis Gomes are taking advantage of their final semester at Rocklin.

Both Faith and Davis decided to try out to be in the Rocklin High winter musical, “Footloose”, despite having never been in theater.

Having played football and baseball in previous years, Davis did not have enough time to participate in theater. Meanwhile, it took Faith time to build up the courage to tryout for a play.

“Theater has always been something that I’ve really wanted to do, but it was way out of my comfort zone,” said Faith.

During the football season, Davis injured his shoulder and has decided to not play baseball this year. This gave him the opportunity to tryout for “Footloose”.

Going into auditions, Faith and Davis did not expect to land a role. However, they both landed leads. Faith plays the role of Wendy Joe, one of Ariel’s best friends, and Davis plays the lead, Ren. Both perform together in Cast A.

Davis and Faith were excited about their roles, but also nervous for the journey ahead.

“I was excited when I found out that I got the lead role, but nervous because I knew it would be a lot of work,” explained Davis.

Having never been in theater, they both feel pressure performing with experienced performers. However, they are both in Chamber Choir, and Faith is in Dance 3 which has helped them in the process. Besides choir, Davis plays the violin, guitar and piano.

For Davis, memorizing lines and learning the dances has been the most difficult part. While for Faith, learning how to dance and sing together is the biggest challenge.

“It’s really hard to sing and dance and make it sound like I’m not out of breath,” said Faith.

Despite the struggles of memorizing lines and learning dances, Faith and Davis have loved the opportunity to be apart of something new.

“Usually, I’m by myself playing the piano, but with this I get to collaborate with other people who share the same passions as me,” explained Davis.

Their experience thus far has made them reflect on previous opportunities in theater. Faith and Davis wish that they would have tried out for a play earlier on in their high school career.

Despite regrets about not trying out sooner, Faith and Davis are ready to make the most of their experience in the musical. They cannot wait for their hard work and dedication to pay off.

“I’m excited to see the audience’s [reactions because] people always say it gives you a lot of energy,” added Faith about what she is most looking forward to opening night.

In the future, both students are considering continuing with music and theater after high school. Davis mentions that he might want to minor in music.

“I think this is where my passion lies and I think it was a good decision to [join the musical],” says Davis.

Faith and Davis will be performing opening night along with the rest of Cast A at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 31.