A Blessing and a Curse to Read
J.K. Rowlings newest book was published, exciting old and new Harry Potter fans.

August 17, 2016
“Love blinds us.” The line that remained with Harry Potter that Albus Dumbledore spoke through this mural.
Love is blinding especially after nine years of agonizing patience. Harry Potter fanatics around the globe were definitely blinded by love of the arrival of the newest play, Cursed Child.
J.K. Rowling with help from John Tiffany and Jack Thorne did not disappoint. After such a high performing series it was deemed impossible to ever reach the expectations cast by the Potter fans.
However, with the flashbacks to Harry and his friends’ youth, you were reminded of why you first fell in love with the story of The Boy Who Lived. And then introduction to the new generation begins to make excitement flow as wonder of what will happen.
The play focuses on young Albus Severus Potter and his unlikely friend Scorpius Malfoy as they travel through time, altering the past. With each thing that is changed, it majorly affects the present. Albus and Scorpius begin to see the trouble they have caused and look for a way out.
The two children with the help of many old characters must return order of the wizarding world. The story highlights the importance of relationships with friends and family as shown by Albus to both Scorpius and his father, Harry Potter.
As the Harry Potter nerd that I am, I rushed on July 31 to purchase my copy of the Cursed Child. And like I did nine years ago with the release of Deathly Hallows, I read the book in one night. In one night my love for the Harry Potter series grew.
If you have ever read or maybe have not read Harry Potter, Cursed Child is a must-read. With every line you read, you get more wrapped up in the wizarding world. Once you start it seems almost impossible to put down.
When you finish reading and set down your book… Reality hits that this is the end of our wizard friends we have learned to love. The last of the Harry Potter tales. Thank you J.K. Rowling for such a magical adventure.