FHA-Hero Makes State

A few weeks ago our school was proud to be represented at the FHA-HERO Competition. Out of all 10 events that we competed in, 8 have qualified for state. This is an amazing advancement considering last year only 5 made the cut. Not many know what FHA-HERO is though. This unique group of talented students all gather together to improve their creative life skills all led by the skilled Mrs. Andrew.
The ten events our school competed in included culinary displays, prepared speeches, apparel construction (clothing design), wedding cake displays, menu planning/table displays (a dinner table setting), chapter exhibit and community involvement. Of these events many students were able to move on to state, receive a medal, or qualify.
The students who qualified are: Everett Andrew, Lauren Murphy, Ashley Akers, Samantha Tapia, Samantha London, Missy Snook, Julianna Henderson, Allie Souto, Allie Aedo, Karrina Tremblay and Lily Andrew who sang the National Anthem. Karrina Tremblay was also elected as President for next year, a huge honor, and it also makes it the second year in a row where a Rocklin High student has been elected President.
One student had a very confusing experience however. Julianna Henderson was told that she had not qualified or placed and that she had been disqualified, or gotten a DQ. This wasn’t exactly clear so when she went up to receive her certificate she was told, in front of the entire audience, that she had not qualified. Julianna had no choice other than to return to her seat with the crowd’s eyes on her which was “the most terrible and awkward thing [she] had ever experienced,” she explained. Shortly after though, they discovered a mistake and she was called back up to receive her advancement certificate and there ended up being 6 people moving on to state instead of 5. She now laughs at the experience but it was difficult in the beginning.
When you see these students in the hall congratulate them on their achievements and advancements.