2015 Lays Down the Law

2015 Lays Down the Law

In recent measures taken by the government, 900 new laws are going in effect for California in 2015. Several have been arguable and debateable, but few have been repealed yet. Many of these laws do not go in effect currently, but they will in the current year. Some of the most controversial and important laws implemented have gotten audiences outraged.

The most argued law is the eligibility for a Driver’s License for immigrants. This issue for acceptance of immigrants being allowed in the country as well as on the road has people riled up whether considering immigrants as people. It is a dual debate between morality and privilege, and the battle is still continuing.

Aside from political, there are several instigations into education. Restrictions on punishing students for disrupting classes is taken into effect to relax due to the recent allegations of outraged parents for student disruption. Also, contact sports are hesitant on creating contact at all. New inclusions for mandatory EpiPens and a new enforced crackdown on sexually abusing teachers, changes are made to make the environment inclusive and safer than ever.

Out of all of the laws the most controversial and pushed for by the state is the attack on revenge porn which is problematic in itself for such a mature audience and its spreading into the youth. This issue has been blown out of proportion for years, and still is contradictory in itself by all of the confusing allegations and crossfire, but a law is now in place to help prevent and support the victims.

The year is changing for better or for worse, but there will be myriads of small changes that are being set in place for a reason: to help.