Anatomy of a Single Girl

If you’re a girl and you’ve just found the love of your life, you feel great right? On top of the world. Lighter than air, as they say. But how sad can you get after you get torn apart from the breakup? Not sure how to survive out of the wreckage? Here are some helpful tips.
Daria Snadowsky, who has also written a boy’s version, tells the girls perspective of what could go wrong, right, and all of the above after a breakup from the ”love of your life”. This novel brings to light muddled feelings the female goes through and all of the thoughts that run through our brain.
With her second year of college looming ahead, Dominique, or Dom, is still stuck emotionally on her senior year of high school and is physically wanting to move forward. She also has a boy best friend, Calvin Brandon, that wants to date her and she knows it- but she somehow can’t let herself be with him. Thankfully, she won’t have to constantly have her guard up around him because the novel begins with her at the airport, flying back home to stay with her family and her best friend for the summer.
Once she arrives back home in Fort Myers, things get even muddier for her as she finds out her girl best friend, Amy has changed, her family springs big news on her, and she finds that she still can’t get over her old boyfriend. But just as she is beginning to think that it’s not going to be that great of a summer, something even newer comes along named Guy.
Guy is a senior in his college and is more than eye-candy for Dom; could he be the guy that helps her get over her old boyfriend, no pun intended? Things progress faster than she anticipated with gusto and true teenage summer love, but will Dom find the brake pedal or crash the relationship? What will happen after summer ends? What does the
With accurate descriptions of what goes through a girls brain during the hardest times, the easiest times, and the best possible — and mature — response to them ,Daria Snadowsky illustrates the very best and the very worst things about being a girl. Showcasing troublesome situations and accurate responses that blow the smoke out of the foggy room, Anatomy of a Single Girl is a book that can single-handedly cure questions while providing hope for the future.
While it is a book based for girls and aged for those in their late teens, this is definitely worth a read on those lonely nights or even a girls night in.