You’re Not Alone
On Mental Health And Getting Help

It is all too easy to believe that one is alone when struggling in life, whether from a serious mental illness or being overwhelmed from school. Oftentimes this is the result of of being unable or unwilling to open up for fear their problems will not be understood.
In more extreme cases, this means parents not being aware their child was suffering until they find them self harming to a fatal degree that day, or discovering it was more than just a diet- their child had been starving to death.
Less extreme cases are equally as important to recognize. Long term stress can have severe consequences such as increased blood pressure and increase the severity of existing issues like anxiety or depression. If untreated, this can cause diabetes and put one at a greater risk of heart disease.
As difficult as it can be to open up when struggling with a serious issue, it is important to remember the painful consequences for one’s self and those who care about them. Opening up to a family member first then seeking professional help if necessary is advised as soon as one believes there is an issue.
Peers may stay silent about their issues, but they too are fighting some unknown struggles. At the end of the day, everyone is. If for whatever reason one’s family is not suitable for discussing their issues, friends are the next best people to talk to.
“Everyone has times where they feel alone, scared or sad. Surrounding yourself with people who can get you through these tough times is super important. And having a mindset of ‘this WILL get better’ is another key factor,” says senior Mary Beth Nolan.
“At the beginning of my sophomore year, I had moved out of my biological mothers household due to it being an abusive situation, and although I was questioned and doubted, I had so many people support me and my story. My family supported me no matter what and my friends were with me every step of the way. They really helped me power through on of the hardest years of my life and I made sure to love myself. It taught me that not everyone knows what goes on in someone’s life and to be there for anyone, no matter how well I know them,” says Junior Kendall Milligan.
Other than friends and family, one can always utilise the counselors. They are trained to help you and everything that is said remains confidential unless you pose a danger to yourself or others. The suicide hotline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255).