Rocklin High School: Now Hiring
The new addition of Mock Interviews to Career Week help further prepare students for the future
Students often complain about the irrelevance of school curriculum in their adult lives. For good reason, students are often puzzled by the vigor of required high school core classes, and are left wondering why career and college preparation are not held to higher importance.
It seems that finally Rocklin High has responded to the criticism. While there is not much teachers and administration can do about the state curriculum required of students, it seems that they agree school is not doing enough to prepare teenagers for the complicated life ahead.
The administration has taken the effort to provide students with a career week every year, and this year they incorporated mock interviews for juniors and seniors. This addition is a wonderful effort to connect school with the real world, and provide students with a space to learn the valuable lessons that adults often have to figure out on their own.
The mock interviews took place January 22nd to January 25th, upper class students were scheduled a ten to fifteen minute mock interview with a HR professional in the community.
The week prior to the scheduled interviews students spent time in their Language Arts class learning how to create a resume and cover letter. This extra class time was used to teach students what makes a good application, and specific dos and don’ts of an interview.
The opportunity given to students to learn these important life skills in class is what students would like to see more of in school. When students are being taught curriculum that they can imagine being directly applicable to their adult lives, the time spent in school actually feels valuable.
However, not all students found the value in the mock interview. Some students shared their thoughts that the interviews should not be mandatory, especially those students who already have jobs.
“I think it really is what you make of it. If you go in thinking it’s a waste of time then it’ll probably be a waste of time. If you go in wanting to learn something then chances are you probably will.” junior Aidan McElhany said.
Regardless of those few students who did not see the benefit, it is refreshing to see the school making an effort to teach students tasks they would usually have to learn through experience.
“The mock interviews were actually really helpful. I was skeptical at first, but after actually doing the interview, I realized how important getting the practice was. It also helped me not be so scared at the thought of interviewing for other stuff” senior Lauren Gerber said.
Though the interviews weren’t perfect, the new addition to career week is an exciting one and it will be interesting to see the process grow and evolve in the years to come.