New school year, new school

Taking on a new school as a junior

Grace Gaumer

After spending the majority of her schooling career in the Rocklin Unified School District, sophomore Emily Cook has made the decision to transfer to a different school. Ghidotti Early College High School is a public charter school that is located on the Grass Valley Sierra College campus. Despite living in the Grass Valley area, Emily has never attended a school in that school district.

Ghidotti has a very small close knit student body. This could be attributed to the fact that the high school is not very well known. In this transition, all of Emily’s high school credits will be transferred over. This knocks out an entire year of schooling for her. On top of taking regular high school courses, Ghidotti also has its students take college courses each semester giving students a leg up before they even get to college. Emily believes that taking so many college courses in high school will benefit her tremendously in the long run.

Despite the amazing opportunities that this school offers her, Emily will without a doubt miss Rocklin High School. Since Ghidotti is so small, they do not have the same events. This includes rallies and dances.

Not only will she miss the activities at Rocklin, she will also miss all the people she grew up with at Twin Oaks, Granite Oaks, and Rocklin. She has spent the past 11 years growing and getting to know the people that she has been going to school with. Emily says that one of things that she is most looking forward to at her new school is meeting new people.

In life, change is inevitable. The best thing that one can do is embrace any curveball that life tries to throw. Starting a new school after being so used to where you were is not an easy transition, but Emily seems to be fully ready to begin the next chapter of her life.