Off Campus Classes

Thinking Outside the School Perimeter


Kailyn J. Beily


At Rocklin High School, academics are a priority like no other, and students realize this as much as anyone. Each in turn strive to show only the best of themselves in the classroom, and in the real world. To do this, most students at Rocklin turn to the appealing and advanced classes our school offers.

However, students have more options than than what meets the eye. Rocklin High and Whitney High both allow their students to attend classes not offered at one school by driving to the other for enrollment.

However, even with off campus classes being an intriguing aspect of our school district, not all kids know about them. Classes offered at Whitney that are open to Rocklin kids are ROTC, and Forensics.

As a way to connect with Rocklin’s sister school, and in turn, take a unique class that is not offered at a student’s home school, off campus classes are a valuable way to fully immerse yourself in something different. There are also a handful of Whitney kids that go the other direction and come to Rocklin to take numerous types of AP clases as well.

“It’s difficult to manage, but completely worth it,” says Baylee Chellosi, one of the 8 seniors taking Forensics at Whitney High School.

Students find that although the course has its many positive aspects, the transportation is difficult to figure out. Baylee’s group carpools to Whitney, making the class, making it easier for each of them to reach the class.

“The Rocklin kids who come over here are usually top notch because you have to take the initiative to actually come over here,” Forensic teacher Mrs. Brun said.

Off campus classes are also a way to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Not to mention, many people have not heard of these options, so the chances of getting a seat are pretty high as well.

“I usually get one total, this is obviously my biggest year, but I love having you guys [Rocklin kids] because you have initiative, and are always one of the best students I have ever had,” Mrs. Brun also added.

These classes are not available on our class lists, but if you talk to your class counselor, they can help and put you the class you are trying to get into, with options being ROTC, or Forensics.

Fortunately for students, classes are chosen months from now, however looking into a class that interests you now couldn’t hurt.

Students at both Rocklin and Whitney should know that they have more options outside of their school’s own perimeter.