Maddie Horton: 100% Christmas Spirit Enthusiast
25 Days of Christmas Socks.
December 12, 2016
This girl may be the biggest Christmas fanatic you’ll ever see, right next to Buddy the Elf.
Senior Maddie Horton claims that, “Christmas is the most amazing time out of the entire year,” and explains that her obsession started when she was little. She has always associated the holiday season with positive and cheery vibes.
An early Christmas tradition that gets her holiday spirit rolling is watching A Charlie Brown Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, cuddled up on the couch with her whole family.
One of Maddie’s famous tributes to Christmas is one that takes lots of dedication. After Thanksgiving comes to an end, she pulls out the festive socks and makes the oath that Christmas socks are the only socks she will wear, all throughout the month, up until the 25th. She doesn’t have to worry about doing various loads of laundry though, she has quite the collection. She has been collecting Christmas socks for the past two years and now has over 30 pairs, the perfect amount to where she can wear a different pair for each day!
Along with the socks, a truck load of festive sweaters completes her outfits throughout the season. She also enjoys decorating her room, and buying gifts for friends in all of the months prior to December, because she loves the act of giving.
In buying so many socks, her grandma helps her by picking up socks for her that include the greatest deals. So, if you are on the hunt for good quality, festive socks, this Christmas expert says to raid your local CVS and Target, and you might just see her, or her grandma, picking up socks that they haven’t already bought… if that’s even possible.