Vampire Penguin: Contrasting Cool Summer Snacks
Rate: 3.5/5

January 25, 2016
I had a few expectations for this place when I pulled into the small lot next to Blue Oaks Theater. With a crazy name like Vampire Penguin, the image my head had painted was a dark, red-and-white, thoroughly stylized and edgy hipster hangout.
But when I pulled up to the shop nestled inside of a little strip mall, I was surprised to find something completely contrary. Vampire Penguin is a quiet and understated gray box. A small logo of what I guess would be a “vampire penguin” rests outside on the sign, mirrored by a larger one inside, but that’s the only real decoration.
Everything inside is steel or blue or gray– the whole place feels kind of like an ice chest when you look at it, and I don’t think it was the winter weather that chilled me when I first entered. Even the plates the food is served on are white and sleek, more like a fancy restaurant’s plates than a dive-y shaved snow joint’s. So, the decor was pretty unimpressive, but that just means the place is all about the food they serve.
The sign out front advertises Vampire Penguin as a “shaved snow and desserts” shop, but what exactly does that mean? Well, the main lure of this place is something called “shaved snow,” which tastes pretty much the way it sounds. Lighter, fluffier shaved ice with more flavor and less sugar is what sets this place apart from anywhere else in the Rocklin area.
The snow itself is pretty hard to describe. It’s much smoother than shaved ice and melts into almost nothing when you put it in your mouth. It’s very different from other frozen desserts, and tastes delicious if you’re in the mood for it. However, the delicateness of the snow means it really doesn’t stand up to other hearty flavors very well.
For example, on my first visit I made the mistake of ordering some of the “specials,” which are pre-built with certain flavors and toppings. Some of these were good, but many of them had flavors that completely overpowered the ice itself. One of the desserts I ordered had chocolate snow and Oreo cookies, and the broken down Oreos were so potent, I couldn’t even taste the snow. If you visit this place, opt for some of the lighter toppings with a fruit flavored snow to really let the flavors shine through. And if you choose to order one of the specials, follow the same logic, don’t get anything too potent or overpowering.
After my snack was finished, this place had grown on me. The decor isn’t fantastic, and the portions are a little small, but reasonable prices ranging from $3 to $8 make up for it. I don’t think I’d actively seek this place out, but in the summer, if you’re looking for something new and refreshing to try out, give this place a shot. You won’t be disappointed.