A Deadlier Walking Dead

A Deadlier Walking Dead

Rebecca Michael

February 14, Valentine’s Day, is usually a day where couples go out on fancy dates and do couple-y things together. However, fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead will be doing something very different on the usually romantic day.

The Walking Dead midseason premiere is going to air this Valentine’s Day, and the producer, Scott Gimple, said that it will be “quite deadly.” Usually, what fans expect with TWD is for the finales to be more intense, leaving the fans with horrific deaths of the characters they love. This is definitely going to be a change, although it has been said that the second half of season 6 will have a much different feel to it.

So, what can we expect from this season? It’s hard to say.

The midseason finale left us with most of the main cast going out into a horde of walkers, covered in guts. As they’re walking out of the house, Sam (Major Dodson) calls out for his mother, Jessie (Alexandra Breckenridge), leaving fans in outrage, as this means that the walkers will now be aware of the human’s presence rather than thinking that they’re just walkers like them. This coupled with what Gimple said makes it seem like Rick and his group are in even more danger than we previously thought.

Along with this, a short preview showed Daryl (Norman Reedus), Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), and Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) driving the truck back to Alexandria. However, they’re stopped by a group of motorcyclists, with the leader claiming his name is Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Negan forces the three to give him their weapons and claims that they “aren’t yours.” Negan goes on to say that all their belongings in the truck, the truck itself, and their weapons all now belong to him.

This raises a few concerns for the fans. Fans that have read the comic know that Negan is no good and that his arrival just confirms what Gimple has said.

However, who lives and who dies is still uncertain. Yes, some of the main cast, in the comics, have died to the Wolves and Negan’s group, but that doesn’t mean it will happen in the show. Like anything else, the show is different from the comic. The Dixon brothers aren’t even in the comics! With that said, we still aren’t exactly sure of who will live and who will die.

We’ll just have to wait and see on Sunday, February 14 at 8 p.m. what happens, while hoping that our favorite characters don’t get killed.