Refreshing Addition to Campus


Kauilani Kawamoto

This school year ushered in many changes such as the new lighting, new schedules, and even a few new teachers on campus. Though it may not be the most significant addition to RHS culture, this year has also introduced Naked Juice to our students’ campus diets.

Naked juice is an environmentally mindful company that sells its own brand of coconut water, a variety of juices and smoothies and now a selection of almond milk and fruit juice smoothies. The company also works with the Rainforest Alliance, a nonprofit organization that helps preserve biodiversity and the lifestyle of farmers’ livelihoods.

Naked Juice uses bottles that are 100 percent recycled as well as being designed to be space efficient for their shipments. Their products also don’t contain any preservatives or sugar and are packed with vitamins and natural ingredients that provide natural energy boosts. Overall, the introduction of these products sounds like a great addition to the school.

But what does RHS think?

Cindy Wright, one of our lunch ladies here at Rocklin High, thinks that it’s beneficial to the students.

“It’s a good, healthy alternative and gives them an option other than Powerade. I think that [kids who drink it] are healthier. We sell about 15-20 at breakfast and 30 at lunch.”

Though sales are small now, Wright believes it’ll start to become more popular since sales are starting to gradually increase.

Caitlin Silva, a senior, says, “I like [Naked Juice] a lot. It tastes good and it’s probably a lot healthier than the crappy chocolate milk that’s served.”

Even though it’s a good addition to the school’s selection of drinks, the price is something to be less than desirable.

“[It’s] too expensive,” said Caitlyn. “It probably doesn’t even take that much to actually make the juice.”

So though it is healthy and yes, it is quite delicious, Naked Juice like many healthy eating options may be out of reach for some people because of pricing. But overall, it seems the students and staff both enjoy the introduction of these healthy smoothies.