The Last Note


The Rocklin High Thunder Choir is nearing the end of what they have been working on since the beginning of January. The last concert of the school-year 2015 was performed Wednesday, May 20 at 7PM. The show was a huge success! The night was filled with special numbers and awards from Mr. Spiess to the underclassmen. During rehearsal, the choir was excited also to  perform the musical numbers they sang in Carnegie Hall from their choir trip this past year. It is an emotional time for the seniors these next few days; some have been a part of the program for one year, some have been involved their entire high school career.

“I’m looking forward to getting to share a performance with all of the amazing seniors for one last time” sophomore Maddie Horton said.

Traditionally. these are also the performances where new leaders are chosen to take over for this year’s previous conductors. The last show was when the new conductors were revealed.

“I’ve loved my experience as a student conductor! Getting a chance to teach my fellow men the beauty of singing is something I will never forget. I’m pumped to see how next year’s men take on the class!”says junior Jake Young.

The choirs will be experiencing more than a change of conductors. Next year concert choir will only have girls in the class while they will combine with men’s ensemble for performances. This is a wonderful opportunity for a larger choir with more voices to share.

“I know that having a larger class next year will present a lot of challenges, and I’m excited to see how the new student conductors will take it on.”says Jake Young.