Your Story, Your School: Abbey Connell

Bethany Mota. Zoella. Lohanthony. These are all names recognized and admired by millions. Their fame and success was made by simply making a video and posting it. This rare and almost instant success is sought by millions.

Abbey Connell is a freshman at Rocklin High School who spends her time doing cheer, studying for school and has a unique passion for making youtube videos anytime she can.

“I love making videos, it’s super fun and lets me express myself in a creative way” says Abbey.

Her videos are mainly about her lifestyle and fashion. Abbey hopes that her videos will guide her to bigger things  in fashion for her and create new opportunities as it has for so many other vloggers.

Abbeys love for video making started when she was little, however she never had the courage to post them.

One day when she was 13, however, she posted her first video called the “Bean Boozled Challenge” this video now has over two thousand views and remains to be the most popular.

This popularity gave her the courage she needed and inspired her to continue posting them and now it is one of her favorite things to do.

After her first video she threw herself into vlogging and continued making videos and now has 15 videos ranging from her daily routines to fashion to her vacations.

Now her channel has over six thousand viewers and over 130 subscribers and her hard work has been paying off.

”Making videos is a lot of work, it takes a few days to actually get to post them after recording them, but its a lot of fun and is one of my favorite things to do” Abbey said.

She hopes to continue her channel later and dreams of being one of the lucky few who become a sensation and achieve fame.

“I idolize Bethany Mota. She became famous just by making videos, she now has a clothing line and millions of subscribers, I would love for things to turn out like that for me.” says Abbey.

With the new school year well in gear, finding time to film and edit videos is becoming a challenge. However this doesn’t stop her from finding new ways to express herself

Her passion for fashion isn’t just apparent in front of a camera, she is always looking for new trends, has her own style, and is constantly shopping for something fresh.

“I’m really inspired by the 80s and 90s but I also like to try out new styles that come out. I also go thrifting a lot and normally pretty successful finding things I like” says Abbey

“I love fashion” adds  Abbey “I love being able to express myself in my own way and being able to be uniquely different from the rest of the world.”

Check out Abbey’s channel: