The 4WRD Dance Show Is Excitingly Creative
The Whitney and Rocklin Dance Teams in the annual 4WRD Dance Show
It’s that time of year again. The 4WRD dance show, having been in preparation since September, is finally premiering Thursday night at 7, followed by performances on both Friday and Saturday at 7 with an additional matinee at 2 for a discount price.
4WRD, (standing for Dance 4 Whitney and Rocklin Dance), is a combination of the Whitney and Rocklin dance 4 class, the two classes coming together to showcase and celebrate the individual talent each school possesses. Rocklin takes the stage first for this year’s show, trading off with Whitney as the show goes on.
Much like last year, this year’s 4WRD show will surprise the audience with its diverse dances and the school’s willingness to experiment with different styles.
“The versatility of our student choreography definitely is the highlight…every dance has something really unique about it and I just think that the choreography is really sophisticated and thought-provoking,” said Mrs. Huber, the dance instructor at Rocklin High.
The dances range from numerous branches of jazz such as surfer jazz, sassy jazz and intense jazz, while also branching out with contemporary, making it so there is an upbeat lyrical as well as a message-holding lyrical, not to mention a few others. While Rocklin focuses on the choreography and special “it-factor” for each dance, Whitney’s “wow” is the aspect of using props in almost each dance. However, one dance to really look out for is their “Freakshow” number.
“I’m really excited for the audience to see Whitney’s circus-zombie-hip-hop routine, it really showcases all of their talents and I just think that it’s really incredible and entertaining,” said senior Ellery Watkins.
Whitney’s “Freakshow” isn’t the only routine to look out for, though, Rocklin does a heart-breaking lyrical to “Not About Angels” by Birdy choreographed by seniors Ellery Watkins and Michelle Mota. This dance is a tribute to appreciating everything and everyone in your life so as not to take anything for granted. To outweigh this heavy aspect, Rocklin also created an old school hip-hop medley with songs such as “It’s Tricky,” and “Can’t Touch This,” among several others. Not only are there many different hip-hop dances but a hip-hop/tap battle performed by Ellery Watkins, Malea Boggess, Marissa Cassayre and Andrea Valentini.
Throughout the show, Rocklin’s very own Jake Young and Ashton Aspley co-host alongside Whitney High’s Ryan Moffitt and Jonah Petty, or as he refers to himself in the show, “Beyonce.” With hilarious emcee breaks and each dancer participating in four dancers, the show is sure to be a hit.
Untraditionally, however, Rocklin and Whitney have decided to showcase the nominees for being a 3D dancer (a District Distinguished Dancer) rather than choreograph a routine for the determined 3D dancers. Due to the quality of RHS and WHS students and dance programs numerous dancers are up for this honor. Some of the RHS students nominated are Rebecca Stanley, Audrey Trejo, Sierra Garrido and Arabella Martinez.
Everyone who is participating in the show is excited beyond belief, but the feeling is bittersweet for seniors.
“Being my fourth year, not just because I’m a senior but because I’ve done it so much, it’s kind of scary that it’s coming to an end,” said Ellery.
However, if there is any sadness, happiness seems to follow and that is exactly the case for this year’s dancing freshmen.
“I’m really nervous but I’m excited to be able to show everyone what a busy week we’re having,” said freshman Rebecca Walker.
A definite jaw-dropper, the 2014 4WRD show not only consists of dancers who can display their emotions thoroughly, but will persuade the audience to feel the emotion the dancers show.
Dede • Dec 11, 2014 at 10:22 am
What a superb article written by a very beautiful and talented young lady!!!!