Need Hours?

Need Hours?

It’s crunch time! Over the school year, RHS students are incredibly busy with sports, clubs, and other extracurriculars. They don’t have time to do community service, but they must get it done to graduate. Now summer is here and you have time!

There are great opportunities to do all the community service you need and good ways to find them. The easiest way to find some is Google search “Community Service in Rocklin” and a bunch of results pop up.

Another way to find some things to do is go to Counseling or to the C&CC because they always have lists of places you can go volunteer at.

Local churches also need help with their Vacation Bible School camps over the summer. These are week long camps where you help teach kids the daily lesson and watch over them. They are super fun and make the hours fly by!

If you go to a church, ask your pastor if they have one and if you can sign up to help. If you don’t, just look up local churches like Adventure or Bridgeway because they each have one going on over the summer.

I highly recommend helping out a VBS camp. They are a great way to connect with kids and sometimes get some babysitting jobs! I did two last year and they both were a blast!

Don’t fret about not having community service hours; there are tons of opportunities this summer to get it done.