Where oh Where?

Each year there is a vast majority of people who struggle finding their way on our large campus, but what makes things more difficult are the hidden classrooms placed strategically in the nooks and crannies on campus. The studio or EST room or the choir room are some of the most hidden places on our campus.

People may ask where is the studio and who uses it? It is in the same area as the library, but the studio door is on the right wall. This secret production area is where the magic happens. The Show uses this room to film, edit and perform their broadcasts. Mr. Ryan O’Donnell uses it as one of his many secret hideouts.

O’Donnell said, “My students have a secret map of the whole school to find their way my class.”

M4, near the back of the school, is the EST classroom. The EST room is used as an outlet for future engineers that will eventually design the world’s  bridges, buildings, cars and upcoming technology. EST prepares the students who want to major in engineering in college.

This engineering class is placed justifiably in the technology or M building. Most people do not know about the classroom unless you are participating in it or you are in Mr. Casey Nichols’ class next door.

 Freshman Colton Graves, a first year EST student, found his way to class on the first day with help. Colton said, “Someone told me to look for the circular building and it is on the left side.”

Another performing arts room is decisively placed hidden from the main sidewalk is the choir room. It is near the bike racks and next door to the band room. Similarly to the EST room, not many students will go into those classes unless they participate in it them.

The auditions for this specific class brings in more people but it is still one of the most unvisited rooms on campus. A prior choir student, Malu Kineret, said, “My audition was in there [the choir room] otherwise I would have no clue where it was.”

As a student at Rocklin High you may think you know the ins and outs of this campus but it will surprise you how many classrooms you have never been in. Next time, while you are walking by classrooms you have never been in before, think about what might be occurring and how it makes our school unique.