Change for the Better- A Growing Track Team
The track team in 2011 is definitely not the 2014 track team, especially when comparing the size of the teams. My freshman year, there were an overabundance of athletes on the team. However, the main differences between the teams are the coaches and practice routines put in place.
As our juniors became seniors and left Rocklin High to make their own futures, the track team has been slowly depleting with very few athletes replacing the departing seniors. Many preseason track athletes had little hope that the team would grow. One can only imagine the shock track veterans felt when athletes came pouring in on the first day of practice.
Several new athletes have made a dedication to track and field, Although many new athletes have joined track and field, the team is still lacking senior runners. Many of the new athletes consist of freshmen and sophomores, with a few juniors. However, seniors make up the smallest percentage of the team, with only two new senior sprinters.
This year, track has changed practice-wise as well. We have been joined by three new coaches; Coach Vogt for pole vaulting, Coach Bear for hurdles, and Coach Patterson. Along with the new coaches came a different practice routine. All years prior, the different events (sprints, distance, jumps and throws) have warmed up and practiced separately. To create more unity within the team, the track team has been warming up all together, then practicing a bit at the different events in stations. This allows all of the different athletes to get to know each other and know what each event is like.
With a new season comes new changes and for the track and field team, they are welcomed changes. While the slowly increasing team gives hope for the continuation of the team as the seniors depart, the new team practice is creating a more united team. Track and field is a no cut sport and practices are held everyday at 3 pm.