Friendship Day bonds students from different groups


In a school that prides itself on academics, Rocklin High has one day every school year dedicated to celebrating friendships, making new ones, and cherishing the friendships that are in ones life.

On Tuesday, December 10, the Peer Counselors put lots of hard work into hosting Friendship Day. For the first time, I got to experience it myself.

RHS students, ranging from shy to extremely outgoing, were pulled from different cliques/groups to get the opportunity to meet new people. The purpose of this day is to carry over the atmosphere into RHS so that the student body can become more united.

Throughout the day, students went from being in small groups with peer counselor leaders to being in one large group.  If we were not eating, or having mini discussions with our groups, we were playing fun games.

On a more serious note, all the students participated in a game called cross the line. The counselors asked some very deep questions about issues that could be going on in someone’s life, and it the question was true to you, then you would cross the line. This game had a great impact on all of the students.  Sometimes, people feel like they are alone, but by playing this game, it showed us that everyone goes through hard times.

You never know what someone else is going through, and even if they seem bubbly and happy most of the time, there could be serious situations going on in their lives. A simple hello, or a smile could brighten someones day.

With the holidays right around the corner, be kind to others, cherish those who care about you, and enjoy the little things in life that are often taken for granted such as friends.

Thank you to the Peer Counselors for putting on such a great day!