A Dancer Transfer


The RHS and WHS dance teams share dinner before their performance at the Quarry Bowl

The rivalry between Rocklin is Whitney is as plain as day.  And while the strong yet friendly feud is always in effect, sophomore Malea Boggess has waved a white flag and transferred from Whitney to our very own Rocklin High School.

There are always various reasons why one would transfer schools. For Malea, this reason revolved around dance. It is her dedication to this sport that stops Malea from caring about the change in venue, as she is pleased by the results so far.

“I just think that the dance coaches at Rocklin and just the program in general will really help me get to where I need to be in life,” said Malea.

The change of dance style is refreshing, she explained, seeing as Rocklin’s advanced dance programs seem to be more focused and detail-oriented than Whitney’s beginner attitude.

“Mrs. Huber and Coach C and B, they’re really strict and we always have to be super sharp and we have to have really good technique and at Whitney, you just kind of have to be able to have the basics,” said Malea.

Even though Malea has been here for a short time, she already plans on staying until graduation. She’s set goals for herself and Rocklin has been able to provide more accommodations in just a few short weeks as compared to her not-so-pleasant, year long experience at Whitney High.

“I definitely think that I’ve grown just over the summer from being on this team and I definitely have learned from my teammates… and I will definitely stay at Rocklin,” said Malea.